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Coaching by my bodybuilding guide 

I will customize a specific program based on your goals and health concerns. You will benefit from coaching throughout your sessions to help you achieve your goals, whether it is to lose weight, gain muscle mass or simply improve your well-being and health.

Intended for:

  • Practitioners in rooms;

  • To the weight of the body;

  • At home; 

The methods training 

Pilates Work Out

Muscle Plug 

muscle balance of  body.

Muscle gain, also known as "muscle gain" or "muscle hypertrophy", refers to the process by which the muscles of the body increase in size and strength. This is a common goal for many people, whether as part of an athletic training program, strength training, or simply to improve their physical condition.
Muscle gain is usually the result of two main factors: strength training and proper nutrition.

Advantages :

  • Increased strength and power

  • Higher metabolism


  • Improved body composition



Entraînement en plein air

Cross training

It is a physical conditioning method that proposes to incorporate, within the same session, functional exercises from various disciplines such as athletic strength, weightlifting, gymnastics and endurance sports. .
The goal is to improve both physical and mental performance, as well as overall fitness. 

Advantages :

  • Improved overall physical condition

  • Injury Prevention


  • Variety and motivation 

  • Transfer of skills



This practice can be done on the ground, on a mat or using specific equipment. Its main objective is to strengthen deep muscles, improve posture, balance muscle groups and increase joint flexibility, in order to maintain, improve or restore physical functions.

The method aims to restore the balance of the muscles of the body by emphasizing the central muscles which contribute to postural balance and the maintenance of the spine.

Advantages :

  • Injury Prevention

  • Better posture and stability

  • Improved athletic performance

  • Increased mobility and flexibility



Jeune homme faisant l'exercice physique

Physical preparation 

The objective of physical preparation is to optimize physical abilities for sports performance. We support athletes of all disciplines, whether in the weight room or outdoors, to prepare them to achieve their sporting goals and improve their performance.


Advantages :

  • Improved physical condition

  • Injury Prevention


  • Increased athletic performance

  • Health Benefits




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